Christmas is almost here, which just happens to be my most favourite holiday, and not feeling well enough to conquer the shopping festivities, I must admit that Chris has done a remarkable job of buying the needed presents for others.
So in this spirit I ventured out recently and found some good presents for family, and met many Christmas elves along the way--when one is happy in life it is amazing how others react--I love the smiles and well wishes and the joy that surrounds us when we shop.
Do this one little trick for me--when you are shopping this year, as it is always hectic, remember to smile at strangers, and always have a kind comment for shop-keepers. It is amazing what a smile does. I taught this to my youngest daughter, and she also admits that she is so surprised at the reactions she gets! Sometimes the smile leads to a conversation, or a helpful tip on where to find a difficult gift--you would be amazed. I try to do this now, year round. Just try it--you will feel so good for doing so.
Well, we still have a bit more shopping to do, but I am sure that this will be a great Christmas for us all - enjoy your lead up to Christmas--I sure do intend to!