In the end I had emptied the old seed and filled her dish with new fresh and more appetising seed, into which I had also put almond flakes as a treat, and then refilled her other dish with her 'special' honey mixture which she loves so much, and had Strap underfoot the whole time. Each movement I made, was stopped by him as he insisted at looking into each dish, and then at my face as if asking: "Why is she so special all of a sudden! I'm the one who plays ball with you, and licks you whenever I get the opportunity, and smiles at you all the time! You don't feed this stuff to me!"
I tried not to laugh at him, but told him to just be patient. I just kept working on Squirts food, then started placing the bowls back into her aviary. When she saw the new seed and the honey mixture dishes, both sprinkled with the slivered almonds, she looked at me almost with a smile on her beak and yelled out "Hello!" in the funny Monty Python accent which means that she is very happy.
I smiled and went inside to his treats drawer, and got a couple of treats. I went back outside and asked him what he was fretting about. He saw the treats in my hand and obediently sat immediately. I laughed and let him sniff them, and decide which one he wanted first. He couldn't decide, then took the smacko, grinning, but spat it out straight away and looked straight at my face.
"Strappy--what's wrong this time?"
He just kept sittting there, looking at me, and not at the other treat, but I knew what he was thinking...'Why decide now? If I can have both, I can eat them when I'm good and ready...' So laughing, I rubbed his ears and gave him the bone biscuit, and he spat it out too. I looked at him, and shook my head, and went back into the house. He stood, looking at me as I did so, then layed down with his treats, between his paws, and started to enjoy!
They are so much fun to watch. Each day brings a new personality trait our way.....
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