Every day for years my Mum packed Dad's lunch at night before going to bed, and Dad filled his thermos with fresh coffee each morning, before heading off at about 6:00 am to go to work at the CB&Q railway diesel shops, which were eventually amalgamated into the Burlington Northern Railroad.
At the time of this story, Dad was a gang foreman for the Diesel gang at the CB&Q shops, and during lunch time found a (and this is where writer's licence comes in - because I can't remember if it was a lizard, a scorpion or a praying mantis) but he found it interesting enough to keep it, and put it into his lunch box to investigate it later when he got home.
That night, when Mum once again opened his lunchbox to make him a fresh lunch for the next day, there were suddenly screams of panic and shock which exploded out of the kitchen and into the lounge room where Dad and I were watching TV.
Dad had forgotten his hidden 'treasure'! Mum found it -and was not too pleased about his surprise. Dad rushed out to the kitchen to apologise to Mum, (but mainly to see if his treasure was safe, I think) - and after I realised that Mum was OK, I went to bed laughing at the surprised look of shock on Mum's face and Dad's boyish grin as he realised his mistake. Oops!
How come Dad's never get spankings for doing bad things?
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