At the moment here in Rockhampton we are being hit with tremendous flooding as a result of all the rainfall that this region has suffered for such a long time. It is truly heart-breaking to witness it. Personally we as a family are the fortunate. We have just suffered rainfall damage - that was devastating enough as we watched our driveway wash away and mopped up many areas as the flooding rains invaded our home. But there are families tonight who have no home to go back to as they are under water, or their homes have been so destroyed by disastrous water that the resultant smell and the water damage in some cases would and should only be described as the most heart rendering thing one should ever have to go through.
However, today was my youngest daughter's 19th birthday, and as we do in this family, the birthday person gets to be spoiled by the family only on this special day. So today, Madison was allowed to dictate what we would be doing today. Bless her - she chose family. We spent a lovely day together with Maddie and Jason, and tonight Chris and I treated us all to a birthday meal in town at a local restaurant. Coming home eventually, Maddie, Jason and I prepared for battle as we played the most silly game called 'Atmosfear', while Chris looked on. It was fun, and we were in it to win it! Yet during the game, and throughout the day, I have had to keep wiping a tear away as I thought about those who weren't sitting in their homes tonight as they were in an emergency shelter, and I couldn't help but feel guilty - even though I am not at fault.
I hope this situation is rectified in the best possible manner, and that families and homes are reunited again soon.
We had a wonderful family day, and feel blessed that our "Princess for a Day" chose to spend it with her family -- but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about those young people who may have been forced into displacement, and while I suffered silently for them, it made me all the more grateful for what I have here. A lovely home and a loving family.
Maybe the secret for us all at this time is to hold onto that loving family and never let go.......
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