Saturday, July 16, 2011

There's no place like home....

We have  FINALLY done it. We have finished our renovation work on this multi-level house, and have listed it on the market.  It has been a journey...

This was the house of my dreams back in 1987, when we first saw it, and evenually bought it.  We have raised 3 daughters in this house, and have had some wonderful memories. Many actually.   We have also had some sad ones.  All of those stories may make it into a story of their own one day, but for now, this is the story of this house.

When it was first purchased it sat alone, on the top of a hill, with only 3 palm trees, and 5 pencil pine trees to keep it company.  But, I could see its future, and what a life that foreseeable future has engrained on this place - it has been amazing.

This house has a spirit of its own, and responds to love.  I am sure of it.

As we have been renovating, and renewing her, this house has stood and preened and glistened, with every coat of paint that was applied, or every rebuild in one of her rooms.  She has sparkled, and loved the attention, and now stands very proudly, completely aware of how much younger and better she looks.  Sort of like an actress getting a faceflift, as the new acting roles come rolling in.  This house is very much in the same category.  She treats herself very well, and expects everyone around her to show her the same respect.
It's been fun to watch.

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