I was slowly driving up the driveway when I noticed her first. (They know that I will stop for them to cross the driveway, but they also know that accidents may happen and others may not drive slowly, or even stop).
Anyway, I stopped. I watched Mumma jump across the track before me, which had just been jumped by two other members of her family. Over the years I have provided water for them in the hot dry months, and left out scraps of 'Roo friendly' tidbits, during the dry periods, and as a result we live in tolerance and on my part, admiration for their beauty.
I have been lucky enough to experience these Roos and their family members come and go over the years, and have been privileged to see their generational families growing and living here. At times it has been as sad for us, as for them, to see a family member hit by a truck in the early morning hours as it sped down the highway, and I have always sent up a quiet prayer for their tired and mutilated body.
I think I will miss them a lot when we move. They have surprised me so much over the years, and have shown a quiet respect for our space, as we have for theirs.
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