Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lauren's memorial day...

In 1999 my precious second daughter was killed in a horrendous car accident.  I don't want to talk about that..

Today is the sad day when I remember what she meant to me and the fact that she is no longer physically in our lives  However, her wonderful spirit and lust for life and all it could achieve does live on.

This is a photo taken of Lauren on Christmas day, 1998.  By January 2 1999 she was dead.

I have written a lot of stories about her over the years, and I thought that as a memorium to her today, I would try to include links to these stories here:

A sort of tribute - October 21, 2010:

The brown cardboard suitcase - October 26, 2010:

Packing up memories - November 23, 2010:

Lauren's Sundays - November 24, 2010:

Show and Tell - November 30, 2010:

Memories - January 4, 2011:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the stories--she would have been a good person to know. Like your style of writing.