Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snoopy's dance of celebration

We had some positive news today from our realtor for our beachhouse property--things may be coming to a good and positive end soon.  We felt very much like celebrating - so when it is all completed ---YES --  there will be happiness in the village ( as the saying goes....)

We also have made a decision on a property in Cairns - it is on 2 acres and very nice.  A good life change --we feel very positive about this next step too --now just have to make it happen!  It will. I know it!!  Finally all of our hard work is going to be worth it!  Yay!

You'll have to excuse me now - happiness is ruling at the moment - a Snoopy dance is called for!!

  Yes!  That felt good! 
 I think I'll do it again!    

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