Thursday, May 3, 2012

OK--Here is where I become philosophical!

I try so very hard to make this blog very upbeat and positive, as we all know that there is already a lot of trouble, sorrow and sometimes very misfortunate things happening in this life.  I am a very strong believer in positive thinking, and trying very hard to overcome any difficult or life affecting issues that hit any and all of us during our journey here.

Sometimes, even I have to question it all, and can get into a downward spiral--but remembering to soar is where the journey takes a turn, and the thrill of achieving once again that wonderful flight of recognising life and its beauty is always worth the journey!

This particvular blog that I am writing today is extremely out of character here - but even I have my serious moments.  It doesn't mean that I don't strive for the light, the joy, the relief of pain or sorrow or whatever is being experienced.

As I sit here and write this today, dawn is just appearing, and my wonderful native birds are waking up outside--they all sing every morning and start their day, always with a watchful eye, and an appreciation for what today may bring. 

I hope your day brings you some relief, a moment to perhaps smile at even the smallest thing, and the knowledge that even if you don't know it, you are very much loved and needed by someone. 

I feel that way today!  I hope this little blog helps you too to hold onto that feeling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jan. Very sobering to take time to identify gratitude in all areas of our lives.