Thursday, November 11, 2010

We have lift-off!

For almost the past two years we have had two breakers on our electrical switchboard of our home that would not work.  As a consequence, we have been without ceiling lights during that time frame. 

At first it was frustrating, because we could not find an electrician who would spare the time to travel to our property to look at the situation.  So I started installing lamps--floor lamps, table lamps, hanging clip-on lamps--we have a mixture.  During this time frame, we have held major events and parties, all by lamp-light!  At night, candles play a large part in our living area, as the ambiance of candle light and lamp light is really very calming and relaxing!

Intermittently I have attempted to find an electrician who would assist us.  But came away frustrated every time. Then yesterday out of the blue, I found an electrician who agreed to come to our home at 2:00pm that afternoon.  He found the problem - it was broken springs behind the breakers--the only reason the breakers would not work and 'kick in' again.  Amazing.

While he was here I ran around turning on lights everywhere to check it all out!  It was like Christmas in here--everything was so bright!  Happily Chris and I thanked him, took some business cards from him to pass the word, and cheerily sent him on his way.

Last night I turned on the ceiling light in the kitchen, and felt almost blinded by it's brightness.  That light was soon turned off, and only the lamps used.  Chris and I noticed as the night progressed, that though it was great to have access to this bright light capacity, that we preferred our lamps and candle ambiance. 

So, not much has changed here - but it's nice to know it could if we wanted it to....Life is funny.

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